- 地 址:深圳市羅湖區太白路松泉山莊19棟702
- 電 話:+86-755-25512007
- 傳 真:+86-755-25512007-2005
- 郵 箱:sales@conterway.com
安訊士AXIS P3227-LVE 網絡攝像機
流線型設計的 5 MP 戶外專用固定半球攝像機在任何光線條件下均適用
- 5 MP 全幀速分辨率
- 戶外專用和 IK10 防爆等級
- WDR 寬動態獵影技術、覓光者以及 OptimizedIR
- 遠程變焦和對焦
- Zipstream 技術可降低帶寬和存儲要求
您是否正在尋找一款在任何光線條件下均可提供高質量視頻監控的高性價比網絡攝像機? 或許您想要整個區域的全景概覽圖,又或者是 收銀臺的近攝鏡頭? 無論是午夜還是正午,AXIS P3227-LVE 網絡攝像機都能為您呈現清晰詳細的圖像,因此您可以始終監控您營業場所的一切動態。 無論是公共辦事處和大學校園還是銀行和賓館,AXIS P3227-LVE 都非常適合用于任何需要詳細視頻監控的位置。
您是否需要在低光監控過程中真正可靠地識別人、車輛或其他物體? 此款 500 萬像素攝像機甚至能在低光條件下捕捉到色彩逼真的細節。 分辨率越高不一定意味著圖像質量越好,但使用 AXIS P3227-LVE 卻能始終為您保證卓越質量視頻圖像。
易于安裝。 節能運行。
價格優惠的 AXIS P3227-LVE 易于安裝和操作,可讓您快速調節并對焦視圖(甚至在遠距離位置均能操作)。 可通過使用安訊士 Zipstream 技術來降低更多總成本,但可保留高質量重要細節,還能降低高達 50% 的存儲和帶寬。
此款耐候攝像機可輕松安裝在墻壁或接線盒上,而且能抵擋糟糕的氣候條件和碰撞。 如果您想要將攝像機安裝在觸手可及的區域,您仍 可以確信其既安全又可靠,因為它具有防塵且防爆等級為 IK-10 級的外殼。 即使您的攝像機被篡改,但警報會立即通知您該事故,所以您無須擔心。
Night as clear as day
Do you need to positively and reliably identify people, vehicles or other objects during low light surveillance? This 5-megapixel camera captures detail in life-like color even in low light conditions. And while higher resolution doesn’t always mean better image quality, with AXIS P3227-LVE you’re guaranteed great quality video images every time.
Easy to install. Affordable to run.
The attractively priced AXIS P3227-LVE is easy to install and simple to operate, allowing you to quickly adjust and focus the view, even from remote locations. Total costs are further reduced by Axis Zipstream technology, which preserves important details in high quality, while reducing storage and bandwidth by up to 50%.
Always safe and secure
This weatherproof camera can be easily mounted on walls or junction boxes, and can withstand tough weather conditions and impacts. If you want to install the camera in easier-to-reach areas, you can still be confident it’s safe and secure thanks to its dust and IK-10 rated vandal-resistant casing. Even if the camera is tampered with, an alarm will immediately notify you of the incident so you don’t have to worry.